Monday, July 02, 2007

Google Analytics in an all-Flash site

Old Version:

New Version:

its very easy:
1. Get a Google analytics account

2. Give it a URL

3. Google Analytics gives you a little bit of code to embed in the HTML

4. Paste the code into your html

5. Use one line of code in flash for every click

This is a great way to do path analysis in a Flash site.


howfab said...

Hi Matt,

I'm really new at all of this so forgive me if this is a silly question. Where do I paste the code? It says to paste it above the body tag but is that the one in my index and if so, do I do it before the first one?

Thanks for your help with this!

Unknown said...

Hi Matt! I'm new to deciphering traffic on all-Flash sites... so once Google analytics are in place, how do you explain user traffic patterns, as "bounce rate" doesn't really apply like it does with HTML? -Karen

Unknown said...

There's a much easier way that requires no ActionScript code and just a couple of lines of JavaScript. It sets up your site with deep linking(That's a very good thing) and automatically tracks what pages people view.

I wrote a short tutorial on it: Google Analytics for Flash